214 responses »

  1. Hi,You have an wonderful blog and I am glad to find you.Quotes and picture are powerful means of conveying of your thoughts .I will be in your new follower list.Thanks for the visit and follow :).


  2. Pingback: It’s Really Very Inspiring To Win A ”VERY INSPIRING BLOGGER AWARD” | Welcome to Michael Monday's blog

  3. Pingback: Passionate Hearts: To Feel | Alastair's Blog

  4. Pingback: Best Moments of quirkybooks – Two Best Moment Awards | quirkybooks

    • Thank you so much my friend.You have a great blog “A Creative Palace” , love your passion reflecting through your all posts. And 😀 …the WP icon you use is quite attractive ! I have written much about me many times ..a simple , humble human being, may be a good friend too, Wish you more sense of creativity dear friend …I am happy to meet another talented friend …God Bless You …Ameen


  5. Hey,

    Charmeine the new edition is being offered free on Smashwords on Friday, April 19, 2013!
    I’m excited as heck because this is the first time that the new edition will be out and World Literary Cafe is Sponsoring it!!! Yeah!

    May I ask for a HUGE favor? I was wondering if I could appear on your blog, or if I can get mentioned on your Facebook page that day or Google Plus me that day!

    If you want, I can send you a packet of info about Charmeine along with the Smashwords code that will be usable on April 19, 2013!

    Let me know and if you can that’s WONDERFUL if not, I totally understand!

    Thanks and lots of love, Emily


  6. Pingback: Best Moment Award | quirkybooks

  7. Would it interest to you to do a guest post on my blog? I was compiling a series of “unposted letters”…the ones you wrote/wanted to write to your mother/teacher/neighbor/boss/friend/ex but did not.. There is no need for names, you can address them to “an inspiring soul” or a long lost friend”..
    Let me know if you’re interested
    Best Wishes!!


  8. This is the most sweetest about page, I’ve seen so far. ^__^
    You’ve a great blog. Glad to have known you. =)
    God Bless.


  9. love and friendship are two very important attributes and you are doing a great job promoting these. Our present world will do well with these two natural emotions.
    ये कहाँ की दोस्ती है के बने हैं दोस्त नासेह
    कोई चारा साज़ होता , कोई ग़म गुसार होता
    ye kahan ki dosti hai k bane hain dost naaseh
    koi chaara saz hota, koi gham gusar hota.
    (What kind of friendship is this that preachers are my friends,
    I wish I had instead some one as friends who would help me out or would relieve me from my sorrows.


  10. Hi there Land of Fun, thanks for liking my blog and following, I’m very pleased we’ve made a connection. I’ll look forward to looking through your site and to your future posts. Have a nice day and best wishes 🙂 SN.


    • Thank You so much for best wishes dear nice blogger . Your posts are always unique and awsome.
      I wish you happiness, success peace ,love and satisfaction in all years to come !Have real happy moments always –amen
      Good Morning !


  11. Pingback: Success at the Keyboard; Versatility and Inspiration Nominations « Prinze Charming

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